Easy Apple Crumble

For those of you that don’t know me so well, my friends will tell you that I’m REALLY BAD at following recipes!

Mostly because I often don’t have all the ingredients needed, partly because I like to break the rules! Hey, I’m a “throw it in a pan & hope for the best” kind of cook. So when I posted on my Instagram stories last weekend, & asked if you wanted the recipe for my apple crumble, I didn’t really think about the fact that the answer could be Yes! And I might need to remember what I did! So here goes…

Screenshot 2020-11-16 at 19.01.14.png

What I used:

6 apples (you can use any fruit you have lying around basically!)

Turmeric Powder

Cinnamon Powder

1 1/2 cups of oats

1 cup almond flour (you can use regular flour)

1/3 cup coconut nectar

3 heaped tablespoons coconut oil

What I did:

Pre-heat the oven to 180℃

Grate 3 of the apples & dice the other 3. Place in an oven dish.

Sprinkle a generous amount of turmeric & cinnamon powder over the apples.

In a separate box, mix the other ingredients together. It’s easiest to use your hands so the coconut oil melts a bit. It’s best when it’s kind of clumped together so no need to mix too much!

Spread the crumble topping over the apples.

Bake in the oven for around 25 to 30 minutes.

Eat hot or cold, for breakfast or desert, on its own, or with yoghurt, ice cream, or custard.


What’s your favourite crumble? Let me know in the comments.