Vegan "Cheeze" Sauce

You asked for it over on my instagram so here it is, my super simple fake cheese sauce.

It literally is the easiest thing ever, takes like 5 minutes to make, & you can use it for so much. Pasta sauce, dip, slathered over veggies. Let me know in the comments how you would use it!


So, here we go. You need:

A butternut squash

nutritional yeast

onion powder

garlic powder

Three By One turmeric powder

salt & pepper

milk of choice (I like almond or oat)

and my secret ingredient…. miso paste! This is where the savoury, cheesy, umami flavour comes from.

Now I don’t really have a recipe, per se! So I’ll just let you know what I do, & then you guys can adjust it to fit your taste.

First you need to cook your butternut. The quickest & easiest way is in a pressure cooker, if you have one.

I put the whole butternut in the pressure cooker (give it a few stabs with a fork beforehand so it doesn’t explode!) & cook on high pressure for approximately 25 minutes (for an average size butternut). Once done chop it in half & remove the seeds, then chop the rest up into chunks. You can leave the skin on, that’s where all the goodness is.

If you don’t have a pressure cooker, chop the butternut up & steam or roast until soft.

Put the chunks of butternut in a blender.

Tip a load of nutritional yeast in. I guess I use about 2 cups, but I never really measure it!

Add about a teaspoon each of garlic & onion powder, a good pinch of salt, & a crack of black pepper.

Then for the magic ingredient, a heaped tablespoon (or so) of miso paste. I like brown rice miso paste, but you can use whatever you have.

Splash in some milk & blend.

Keep adding milk until you get your desired consistency. And keep tasting & adding a bit more garlic, onion, salt, pepper, nooch, find what works for you.

That’s it! Easy.


Let me know what you think in the comments. Questions? Fire away. And let me know how you use “cheeze” sauce, I’d love some new ideas!
