A Guide to Oil Pulling.

You have probably heard of oil pulling. Maybe you’ve tried it. But do you really know why you should do it and the benefits of doing it?

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. It involves the use of pure oils as agents for pulling harmful bacteria out of the mouth, teeth, gums, and even throat — and is even said to help whiten teeth.

Here’s a rundown on the how, what, and why.


How To Oil Pull

The most effective oil pulling is done by putting a teaspoon of organic coconut oil into the mouth and swishing it around for approximately 10-15 minutes before spitting it out. I recommend you swish while taking your morning shower!

Please don’t spit the oil down the sink. Spit it into a piece of kitchen roll & dispose of in the trash, or your compost heap.

What Does Oil Pulling Do?

The oil mixes with the saliva and lipids in the oil begin to pull out toxins from the saliva. As the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, gums and tongue, the oil continues to absorb toxins and you will probably notice it starts to feel thicker and more viscose. Once the oil has reached this consistency, it should be spat out before the toxins are reabsorbed.

Scientific studies show the efficacy of oil pulling therapy. Scientists believe that the lipids in oil both pull out bacteria, as well as stop bacteria from sticking to the walls of the mouth.

Oil pulling creates a kind of ‘soapy’ environment that cleanses the mouth of harmful bacteria, as well helping to reduce fungal overgrowth.

Benefits Of Oil Pulling


Oil pulling helps with the overall microbiome of the mouth, teeth and gums and jaws. It may help prevent diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and gingivitis.




While there is no official scientific research, many believe oil pulling works just as well as chemical teeth whitening strips. Try it for two weeks and see if you notice a difference, or take a look at Gwyneth Paltrow’s smile. She is known to follow the practice each morning.


Ancient Ayurveda practitioners believed that oil pulling could reduce more than just diseases of the mouth and throat. Today many holistic practitioners recommend it for a variety of health concerns. It is believed that oil pulling helps the lymphatic system as harmful bacteria are removed and beneficial microflora are given a healthy environment to flourish. Because of this holistic perspective, oil pulling has been used as a preventative health measure for many other conditions.

To learn more about these benefits contact a holistic health practitioner near you.

cracked coconut held in hand
spoonful of coconut oil
girl with smile