Vegan Pancake Day

Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras…. what do you call it in your part of the world?


Falling on the day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the Christian period of fasting, Lent, Shrove Tuesday is traditionally the day that all the “bad” foods (not that there are any bad foods) get eaten up before the fasting period of lent, & the run up to easter, begins.

In the UK Shrove Tuesday is associated with pancakes because they are a way to use up rich foods such as eggs, milk, & sugar. Add to that all the toppings, savoury & sweet. They make a great base for using up all those fridge leftovers!

Then the next question comes… PANCAKE OR CRÊPE?

Traditionally in the UK we call crêpes, pancakes. But in recent years the thicker, fluffier American style pancake has become pretty popular! Whatever your preference, both are delicious, but I’ve definitely found that the American style ones are easier to veganise!

Here’s my easy, fail safe pancake recipe. Ready for you to top with ALL THE TOPPINGS!


This recipe makes 6 pancakes which *should* be enough for 2 people.
(No judgment here if you eat them all yourself 😋)

• 400ml milk of choice (almond or oat is my preference)
• 350g self raising flour
• 2 tablespoons of melted Coconut Oil
• 1 teaspoon chia seeds
• 2 tablespoons Coconut Nectar
• Toppings of choice

Simply mix all the ingredients together and then fry in a little coconut oil.

I topped these ones with blueberries and Toasted Coconut Butter.
Might make some more later...maybe with the Coconut Cacao Spread.

What’s your favourite pancake 🥞 topping? Let me know in the comments!