Coconut Oil for Ticks & Fleas

Recently I get a lot of questions asking me how to use coconut oil on dogs & cats. It seems there are a lot of ticks around at the moment & many people do not want to use commercial products which are often pretty toxic.


Why not commercial tick & flea products?

Regular tick & flea products contain pesticides. These are highly toxic neurotoxins that kill bugs on contact & ingestion, in other words, poison.
While most vets may say it won’t harm your pet, many people don’t want to risk it. Especially if you have a pet that licks a lot!

The use of toxic chemicals may not show an immediate adverse affect on your dog or cat (like it does to the bug), but over time a toxic build up can lead to suppressed immunity, digestive problems, skin issues & more.

Coconut Oil can offer a natural solution.

Coconut oil contains lauric acid which acts as a repellent to fleas & ticks, & is of course non-toxic so if your pet licks it, it is safe. It works by suffocating the tick or flea.

Noodle, Bonnie & Tilly are fans!

Noodle, Bonnie & Tilly are fans!

So, how do you use it?

If you find a tick. Dab a blob of coconut oil onto the tick. Wait for a few minutes for the the tick to suffocate & then gently remove it with tweezers.

If your pet already has fleas, cover your hands in coconut oil & massage it on to their coat. Make sure you work it all the way down to the skin. Once you have covered your pet, take a flea comb and run it through the fur. You should find that the fleas stick to the comb. Any fleas that aren’t stuck to the comb will jump off will suffocate.

Be careful! Some fleas that haven’t stuck in your pets fur because of the oil may jump off your pet because of the repellent nature of the lauric acid. So it’s best you do this outside!

You may need to do this for a couple of days in a row. Your pet’s coat will be beautiful & shiny!

Once a week you can put some coconut oil on the back your pet’s neck, along the spine & over the tummy. This will help to protect against new fleas.

You can also add some coconut oil to their meal each day. It does wonders from the inside too. Try a teaspoon to a tablespoon, depending on the size of the animal.

Shop our coconut oil here.


P.S. If you have kids, you can use the same method to remove nits too!