Natural Sun Protection

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The sun has been out in full force lately (yay), but my Lil one is allergic to sunscreen (nayyyy and what's new, right???!!). Yup, we've literally tried a dozen different kinds, so I'm attempting to make my own to see of that helps. I'm guessing using absolutely clean ingredients will definitely be an improvement.

The skin is the largest organ of your body, so what you put on it matters!!!

I'm using a mix of oils including Three By One Coconut Oil, Doterra Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO), Olive Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax + Zinc Oxide + Helichrysum, Lavender and Terrashield essential oils . Adding the last EO will help double this recipe up as a bug repellent too.

Not all essential oils are created equally, so do your own research - again what you put on your skin is so important!

I'm fully aware of the controversy of homemade sunscreens re: SPF factors etc, so it's important to be sensible about your sun exposure, wear appropriate clothing, find shady spots, wear a sun hat etc.

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P.S avoid using citrus essential oils when making your own skincare products, they are photosensitive.

Guest post by Marian De Groef
