Essex's first major Green Festival - Planet Essex is a celebration of the sustainable, environmentally friendly and local!
Get your small electrical items fixed by Repair Reuse Recycle CIC and bring your 'might be handy one day' box of cables and chargers to be recycled in our Cable Amnesty.
Kids can enjoy their own area - the Wilderness Foundation UK will offering outdoor activities and Bumblebee Events will be creating recyclable plant pots and seed planting.
There will be talks and demonstrations throughout the day and a vast range of food (including vegan and gluten free) and ethical stallholders such as Silver Bamboo We'll be announcing all the stallholders over the next few weeks
Entry to all activities, talks and demonstrations is included in the ticket price.
Planet Essex is part of The Spirit of Essex - go to for details of all our events
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Earlier Event: 15 June
Later Event: 29 June
Pop up Markt: Zero Waste